Tuesday, May 23, 2006

It is a curious fact that people are never so trivial as when they take themselves seriously. -Oscar Wilde

© Yo Tambien Te Mando Besos

For an interview of the owner of this blog: SD

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Things I would not tell anyone, I tell the public. -Michel de Montaigne

Del pecado de amarte no estoy arrepentida,

aunque un oscuro abismo nos separe a los dos,
en tanto que risueña te doy mi despedida,
mis ojos se iluminan para decirte adiós.

No nos debemos nada. Tú me diste tu boca
limpia como el agua fresca del manantial;
y te enlacé en mis brazos, amorosa y sensual,
y apagué en la cisterna mi sed ardiente y loca.

Peregrinos errantes, nuestra ruta seguimos.
Si dos sendas opuestas al azar elegimos,
¿por qué nos rebelamos con violenta actitud?

Of the sin of loving you I am not repented,
although a deep abyss sepparates us both,
while with a smile I say my good-bye,
my eyes get the light to say adieu.

We owe nothing to each other. You gave me your mouth
clean like fresh spring water;
and I embraced you, lovingly and sensual,
and extinguish my hot and crazy thirst in this well.

Wandering strangers, our own routes we followed.
If two paths we randomly selected,
¿Why do we resist in such a violent way?

Thank you Michele for the distinction of today.

Monday, May 15, 2006

It is not enough to conquer; one must know how to seduce. -Voltaire

Andrew Maidanik

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Let the dead have the immortality of fame, but the living the immortality of love. -Rabindranath Tagore

Brett Weston